Monday Afternoon ☀️

Hi guys! 

It’s Monday again, I can’t believe that I’m once again having that Monday morning feeling like I did this morning. It’s not all bad because Monday’s are my days off, not always though it’s a luxury haha. I’m currently sat on the green of Exeter City Centre cathedral, it’s a beautiful day. There’s a group of little boys that keep walking past me, Pokemon hunters I believe haha. Talking about Pokemon personally I’m not into that and never have been, but I’m all for getting kids out of the house during the summer holidays, parents need to warn them to be extra cautious of course. The whole ‘look before you cross the road’ lecture haha. 

Other point, most people are on their phones (I can’t say anything I know, I mean I’m typing to you) but people don’t live in the moment enough. Hang on… There’s the usual group of youngsters with their bmx’s and cider cans, f’ing this f’ing that, whoops don’t mean to be so critical or stereotypical. But in a city you get such a mixture of people, it’s interesting to see to be honest. Most people mind their own buisness. 

Tourists are obvious though haha, big groups of elderly people al huddled together probably looking for free tea or the next coffee shop, bless them. I know my nan would. Different interests are cool, I’m here for the sun and relaxation that’s it. 

And on that note I better chow, I noticed I’m being the ignorant one and typing.

Have a lush day! 

Lils xx 

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